"Sweet Sleep"

by Kim Cormack

The End Of Her Life Was Only The Beginning Of Her Story
Fantasy adventure, magical realism, non-stop action with laughter, tears and a coming of age romance that will capture your heart.
# Young Adult
# Fantasy
# Paranormal
# Survivalism
# Romance

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Fantasy adventure, magical realism, non-stop action with laughter, tears and a coming-of-age paranormal romance that will capture every reader's heart. A story of a teenage girl who overcomes tragedy and evolves into something she never knew possible as her immortal destiny comes to light. This paranormal fantasy will leave you breathless as it takes you through the darkness and leads you back out into the secret world of immortality triggered by choices in the afterlife. All heroes are born from the embers that linger after the fire of great tragedy. Would you live your life differently if you knew you were going to be corrected from this world after your sixteenth birthday? You and your twin sister were never meant to be born. There will be nowhere to run. No place to hide. You won’t even know they’re coming. Do you have what it takes to survive your Correction? Could you leave your humanity behind? If the answer is yes, then hold on tight, it’s going to be one hell of a ride! Warning The information contained within this book is not intended for mere mortals. Reading this may inadvertently trigger your Correction. If you show great bravery during your demise, you may be given a second chance at life by one of the three Guardians of the in-between. For your soul's protection, you must join one of three Clans of immortals on earth. You are totally still reading this, aren't you? You've got this. Welcome to the Children Of Ankh Series Universe