"Nebula's Edge"

by Valerie J. Mikles

She wanted to meet aliens... she wasn't expecting to die for them.
A YA Space Opera adventure
# Space Opera
# Sci-Fi
# Young Adult
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She wanted to meet aliens… … she wasn’t expecting to die for them. Life on Unity space station is tough but so is Kayla. When Kayla learns that her half-human friend Salfera is being treated as a slave, Kayla jumps to her defense. But, Kayla doesn’t understand the consequences of her activism. A genetically-engineered hybrid, Salfera has spent her life as a science experiment. She knows Kayla needs to end her crusade before she gets hurt . . . or worse. When Kayla starts hearing voices, it’s too late. She is part of the experiment now. Join Kayla's fight to save her friend and avoid dissection.