"Silver Rain"

by Alice Baine

Dryden’s power is worth killing for.
He must stop the bloodshed before it continues.
# Fantasy
# Adventure
# Epic
# Sword & Sorcery
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When two enemy forces wreak destruction on Dryden’s hometown, he flees with the help of a mysterious swordsman. The reason for the attack, he is told, is because of the gem-like scars on his hands. Forced to trust the swordsman, they depart for a range of mountains where a clan of blind mystics dwell. There, Dryden hopes to learn who his enemies are, why they will kill to get to him, and what he must do to stop them. Reaching the mountains, however, isn’t so simple. He fears the swordsman might have his own motives, and through every peril they encounter, there looms the threat of the two armies ambushing him again. Feeling hunted and alone, Dryden must keep himself safe in a race for the truth. If he can’t find answers quick enough, the bloodshed may spread beyond his hometown. So begins Silver Rain, a fantasy adventure chronicling a young man’s fight against forces far larger than himself.