"Mapping the Heart: The Doctor’s Odyssey"

by Dr Andrew C S Koh

Mapping the Heart
The Doctor’s Odyssey
# Medical
# Inspirational
# Clean
# Christian
# Biographical
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Mapping the Heart: The Doctor’s Odyssey is a poignant exploration of a doctor's journey through the challenges of medicine, personal growth, and emotional resilience. Reviews This is a fascinating read; a look at the very interesting and purposeful life of Dr Robert Carter. As a young man he worked hard and won a scholarship to train as a doctor. He was diligent in his studies and later became a cardiologist. He was fully committed to the heavy demands of a successful medical career with it’s profound responsibilities. Later Dr Carter decided to take a two year sabbatical to return to study, but this time theology. He saw his patients as an holistic whole. His faith , reatly influenced his life and work. Eventually he retired and devoted himself to writing more than 40 books. After a profound experience he re-aligned his priorities. There are four poems to finish the book. This is a wonderful insight into the life of a doctor; his drive, his purpose, his dedication to helping others and his commitment to God. Bless you Andrew, 5 stars, Linda Foster, Goodreads.. Dr. Koh's Mapping the Heart: The Doctor's Odyssey is a captivating tale that delves into the challenges and triumphs of a cardiologist's life. Through the experiences of Dr. Robert Carter, readers will gain insight into the demanding world of medicine and the complexities of balancing career and personal fulfillment, 5 stars, Ayomide Akinfolarin, Goodreads. Dr Robert Carter an ambitious young man adamant to succeed on his dream to becoming a doctor is able to achieve it by making many sacrifices on his journey through life with the support of his parents and later on his wife. An inspiring story of a doctor who is dedicated, compassionate and his on going service to others. I received this ARC copy via Storyorigin and I recommend this book to other readers, 5 stars, Sharmani Jeyaram, barnes and Nobles, Kobo.