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by Gareth Southwell

What price would you pay for digital immortality?
A literary sci-fi mystery with a philosophical slant.
# Artificial Intelligence
# Cyberpunk
# Sci-Fi
# Mystery
# Philosophical
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The winter her grandfather died, Cari Silvestri swapped her home town for a new life. But the past is not so easily outrun. Almost ten years on, Grandfather returns, his stolen memories repackaged by technology giant Merrywhile Industries as a slick marketing promo for their latest project: digital immortality. But when no one believes her, Cari’s search for proof and answers gradually draws her into a lawless digital underworld. Mel Faith is also haunted by the past. Her journalistic career circling the drain, she finds herself still obsessed with the one piece she never filed – the tragic history of Michael Sommeil, grandson of Merrywhile’s founder. It’s a story with few leads and fewer prospects, but at whose heart – she’s sure – a secret still sits untold. As their paths intertwine, the two women enter a world of masks and aliases, of mercenary hackers and corporate spies, and where, underlying it all, is the hunt for the Singularity – the point, both feared and hoped for, where AI will finally surpass human understanding, and nothing will ever again be the same. A sci-fi novel set in the near future, MUNKi is an intricate cybergothic fairy tale, a philosophical exploration of memory, death and identity, and the ambiguous role that technology has come to play in all our lives.