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ABOUT THE SERIES The YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE YOU DIE! series is a fascinating and immersive educational collection of publications that delve deep into numerous and far-reaching subjects across the educational spectrum; ranging from GREEK MYTHOLOGY and EVOLUTION to HISTORY and the constructs of our UNIVERSE. You have much to learn before the Grim Reaper comes-a-calling, so read on to fill your mind with mountains upon mountains of insightful knowledge; all written in a light-hearted and fun to read fashion. Knowledge you can use for a brighter tomorrow! ABOUT THE BOOK We all love a good giggle. If you don’t then this book really isn’t for you! It’s crammed to the rafters with a whole host of side-splitting one-liners that’ll have you rolling on the floor in fits of hysterics; Your friends will think you’ve gone right off your rocker! Feel free to dip in and out of this book at your leisure for your daily dose of hilarity; a treasure trove of comedy gold. So read on comrade and let’s have a jolly good laugh together! Jokes include: Q: What do you call a deaf dog? A: It doesn't matter; it can't hear you. Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? A: "Put it on my Bill.” Q: Why did the pig leave the costume party? A: Because everyone thought he was a boar. Q: Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game? A: Their bats flew away. Q: What animal should you never play cards with? A: A cheetah. Q: What did the spider do on the computer? A: He made a website! Q: What do cats eat for breakfast? A: Mice Krispies. Q: Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek? A: Because he was always spotted. Q: What do you call a T-rex with a sombrero on? A: A Tyranosaurus-mex. ...and many many more!