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Reviews: Book is a great guide to assist in self-publishing. It tells you everything. How to market and even tips on “how to” do everything listed in book. A helpful tool for an aspiring author, T. Townsend, Amazon, Apple, Goodreads, Bookbub, 5 stars. This is a good place to start when writing a book. It shows you how to publish your book, format it and use keywords in Microsoft Word. It also shows you how to sell your book, Dalin Banks, Amazon, 5 stars. Perfect. Very simple and straightforward. Some references were specifically stated for Malaysia.But if you can follow directions to do something, I'd say this is probably all you need! Jennifer Surdam, 5 stars. They say there is a book in each of us. Do you think you have an idea for a story? Here is a manual that will help you get that dream of yours accomplished. Dr. Koh walks you step by step through the process. He himself is well-published in a variety of genres, PAR, Bookbub, 5 stars. A great book as a study for new authors to overcome any mental blocks and get started. A simple guide, well-written and easy to follow, step-by-step guidance on how to write and publish your books. A great motivator and full of information, J. Sharmani, Goodreads and Bookbub, 5 stars. Good beginners guide This book teaches you how to publish, format, and market and shows tips and tricks in an easy-to-understand format, Sam, Amazon, 5 stars. This is a nice concise guide for a person who has no experience with how to self-publish their book on Amazon. It is truly helpful, Rowan E Creech, Goodreads, 5 stars. The author makes good on his promise to teach the beginner everything he or she needs to know to start a successful self-publishing business. This book is a fountain of knowledge if the reader sticks with it long enough to get to the meat of the matter which is found in the second half of the book. Jerry Walsh, Amazon, 4 stars.