"When Spirit Whispers"

by Carol March

Find Your Healing Path and Infuse Your Life with Meaning and Purpose
Winner: New Mexico-Arizona Book Award
# Inspirational
# Nonfiction
# Self-Help
# Spirituality
# Biographical

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Your Wise Inner Guide is Calling You! It knows your fears, challenges, and your heart’s desire. To recover from trauma, heal life’s wounds and thrive, say hello to the one who knows you best. The one who can show you how to use your natural creative energy to build a bridge to the wisdom that is your birthright. It's waiting for you to . . . • Connect to your wise heart • Release patterns of blame and self-judgment • Create a life of meaning and purpose When I learned to stop struggling and listen to my inner guide, I found the courage to peel away doubt, stop second-guessing, and trust that spirit was leading me where I needed to go. If you are looking for ways to change negative patterns and create a different life for yourself, then my story may speak to you. I hope it will encourage you to listen to the voice of your spirit, find your own healing path, and infuse your days with joy and clarity.