Yes, authors can review and approve requests from potential reviewers based on criteria such as reviewer engagement, previous reviews, genre preferences, where they plan to review, etc.
... I also love the ease of distributing advanced review copies (ARCs) using StoryOrigin.
I have gained 120 reviews, and haven't had to remind a single reviewer to post... I can see emails of all reviewers, links to places where they reviewed, and a preview of what each person said.
Sending an ebook to my ARC readers is simple; I just give them the link, and my job is done!
While there are several reasons I love StoryOrigin, the feature that really sold it for me is the Review Copies. The user interface is straightforward to upload the manuscript and set up the ARC.
I use this for my ARC readers and send out a link to my newsletter list for applicants... I typically have a great response: 43 requests with 34 reviews, 46 requests with 28 reviews, and 53 request with 32 reviews.
The best thing about the review copies feature is the ability to see what your reviewers typically say before you select them. Tracking is practically automatic. It's like I click a button and I have a review.
Distribute Amazon pre-paid book links via StoryOrigin
Distribute Audible, Findaway,, or Kobo promo codes
View readers' profiles on Amazon, Audible, Bookbub, or Goodreads
Optionally choose publicly list your book in the ebook or audiobook directory
Reviewers must be authenticated to access their download options page
StoryOrigin automatically reminds readers if they don't complete their review
Mark where your book will be available to review, such as Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, and other retailers.
Readers will mark where they can leave reviews when they request a copy and add the links to their reviewer profiles.
See the reviewer's completion rate on Review Copies from StoryOrigin and check their profiles on Amazon, Audible, Goodreads, or Bookbub.
See which of your other Review Copies the reviewer has requested and whether they completed them.
See a timeline of when a reviewer was accepted, reminded, and when they left their review.
See their review at a glance on StoryOrigin and check the links to their review for your book on Amazon, Goodreads, or Bookbub.
Optionally, add your Review Copy to the directory of Ebooks or the directory of Audiobooks on StoryOrigin.
You still control who gets a copy. Approve or decline applications from reviewers that discover your book through the directory.
You can choose to approve as few or as many applicants for your Review Copies as you like.
Yes, authors can review and approve requests from potential reviewers based on criteria such as reviewer engagement, previous reviews, genre preferences, where they plan to review, etc.
If a reader doesn't complete a Review Copy on StoryOrigin, it will be reflected in their reviewer statistics, which authors get to vet before approving applicants.
If you see a reader with a low completion rates on previous Review Copies, you can decline their application for your review copy.
It highly dependent on a few factors.
Most authors promote their Review Copies on StoryOrigin to their own mailing lists, and that drives the most requests.
If you don't have a mailing list, you should start there. You can build your mailing list with StoryOrigin, then turn your attention to building a review team from the mailing list you build with StoryOrigin.
You can also join group promos or arrange newsletter swaps to promote your Review Copies.
You can also optionally choose to publicly list your Review Copies in the directory for Ebooks or the directory for Audiobooks.
Yes, you can specify which platforms you would like reviews on (such as Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub) and mark certain platform as a high priority to signal to potential applicants which platforms you're most focused on.
StoryOrigin does not impose strict deadlines. However, reviewers are made aware that Review Copies start to be included in their completion stats after 2 weeks, which may impact the probability that other authors will approve their requests for Review Copies.
Yes, you can use the Review Copies feature to get more reviews on books that have already been published.
Yes, you can choose to distributre Amazon pre-paid book links via StoryOrigin, so readers will get the download through Amazon, but you get all the vetting and tracking capabilities of StoryOrigin's Review Copies feature.
Yes, you distribute audiobook redemption codes from Audible, Findaway Voices / Spotify, Kobo, or to potential reviewers.
Is there a 5 star rating system on this? Because StoryOrigin is at least 6 stars. At least! I've used the other platforms... and none of them approach the flexibility and power of StoryOrigin
I used to use several sites and groups to facilitate things like newsletter swaps, multi-author book promos, reader magnets, and reviews, but I can do it all and better on StoryOrigin.
I love StoryOrigin. I've used other sites for promotions and newsletter swaps but this one is easier and more author-focused. Highly recommend for new or serious authors.
StoryOrigin changed my life, and it's the BEST tool that actually works with increasing sales, subscribers, and reaching new readers.
... compared to a lot of similar sites designed to help authors, StoryOrigin has the best UI, the most features and a great community of authors.
StoryOrigin is absolutely the must-have author tool. You can build your newsletter list with interested people, sell your books, find newsletter swaps, get reviews, and more